Wednesday, September 03, 2008

India Looks to Colonise South America, Myanmar

While China is hard at work colonising Africa, India is looking farther abroad to South America in order to provide the necessities for its growing population.
“We have formed a consortium of 14 vegetable oil companies, which is in talks with the governments of Paraguay, Uruguay, and Myanmar for buying large tracts of land for cultivating soya bean, sunflower and pulses,” Ashok Sethia, president of the Solvent Extractors’ Association of India, said.

....Analysts say factories and property developers are buying up farmland, while farm output is also restricted by the poor development of irrigation facilities across much of the country.

“There is too much pressure on our farmland and the government knows it has a difficult task ahead in maintaining food supplies,” Sethia said. _Source
China and India have both outgrown their available resources, due to the gross inefficiencies under which both systems of government operate. Other nations do well with higher population densities, but the corruption present in the systems of India and China are difficult to expurgate.

China is already sponsoring the wholesale destruction of ancient rainforests in Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, etc. for the valuable hardwood and to make way for huge palm oil plantations. Unfortunately, the third world colonisers are likely to destroy the quality of the land that they appropriate, leaving their host countries even poorer than when they began.

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